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Sustainable Energy Solutions

Where is energy wasted and how can it be saved?

Energy has become a necessity for many yet a majority of it ends up being wasted. That's the focus of energy project and between 10 different projects, student find ways in all aspects of theirs lives and communities to save energy. The project begins with a exploration of personal energy use and waste around their own household along with what can be done to save it. Students complete a home energy audit with Home Energy Saver and then find ways they can limit their energy consumption with a 2 week energy use behavior switch. With this completed the focus then turns to the community where students then work on a variety of energy saving projects to save local business and towns to save energy and empower residents to save energy in their own homes. With this completed students will then present their Solutions to the Community by hosting an Energy Fair, pulling a wide variety of community members and students to learn about energy use and waste around the Bay Area.

SEA-DISC (Social and Environmental Academy Dedicated to Improving School and Community) 

     Archie Williams High School | 1327 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. | San Anselmo, CA 94960 | (415) 453-8770                                                                                      Last Updated 2023

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