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Creek Restoration Project

What creates a sustainable creek and riparian zone?

SEA-DISC students work for the first ten weeks of SEA-DISC re-vegetating the Sleepy Hollow Creek that runs through Archie's campus. In order to bring back the Steelhead Trout population, students assess the creek's plant habitat, also known as the riparian corridor, and make plans to remove and plant the proper plant species.

The Sleepy Hollow Creek in San Anselmo is covered with invasive, non-native vegetation which is displacing the native plant life, lowering the biodiversity and causing soil erosion issues.

Native animal species rely on native plants for their

survival. Invasive plants, therefore, can harm native

animal species; if ivy kills off shade-producing trees

like alders and willows, the creek will heat up.  A warm

creek holds less oxygen, leading to a decline in native

aquatic animals, including Steelhead Trout.


SEA-DISC, with the help of Friends of the Corte Madera

Creek (an environmental organization that is working to

protect the Corte Madera Creek and its tributaries),

agreed on which non-natives to remove and which

ones to keep. SEA-DISC students first identified all

the vegetation found along the creek and then researched it.

Using their findings, they prioritized the removal of invasive

species and replaced them with native plants.


Students spent class time outside battling the non-native plants they decided to remove. With a grant by MCSTOPPP, SEA-DISC was able to purchase the necessary native plants. Professionals came to teach the students how to Willow Wattle, a revegetation technique that will eventually sprout fast growing willow trees while keeping the steep hillside from eroding. SEA-DISC has been revegetating the creek for the past 20 years and will continue in their quest to bring back the Steelhead Trout population.

In addition to restoration, all student write a report on the state of the creek, collecting soil and observational data on the creek and then recommending what be done to it for the best restoration possible. Here is an example of one of these reports!

Students working in the San Anselmo Creek.

determined which natives would be most beneficial to Steelhead Trout and riparian wildlife in their place.

One of SEA-DISC's all-star teachers, Michael Rawlins, is getting in on the lopping action, helping to restore the San Anselmo creek's natural banks!


SEA-DISC students getting ready to restore the Sleepy Hollow Creek

SEA-DISC (Social and Environmental Academy Dedicated to Improving School and Community) 

     Archie Williams High School | 1327 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. | San Anselmo, CA 94960 | (415) 453-8770                                                                                      Last Updated 2023

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