Endangered Species Websites
Is it worth it to save endangered species and what role do they play in the ecosystem?
Every species on earth has a specific and important role in the environment. As the second project of the year, students research an endangered species and the issues affecting it, and create a poster about it. The poster is broken up into two major components: ecological and socioeconomic factors. Then the projects are presented in the form of posters to the public. Through this process students will gain advanced knowledge and computer skills in making an effective poster which captures the attention and viewership of many.
Poster Examples:
Past Website Examples:
In the past, SEA-DISC students have created websites instead of posters.
Sociable Lapwing / Iberian Lynx / Black-Footed Ferret / Philippine Pangolin / Pallid Sturgeon / Kea / Northern River Terrapin / Macquarie Perch / Northern Rockhopper Penguin / Aye-Aye / Slender Snouted Crocodile / Red-Legged Frog / Rainbow Frog / Phelsuma Antanosy Day Gecko / Chinese Pangolin / Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle / Cook Inlet Beluga Whale / Southern Resident Orca / African Elephant / Patagonian Huemul / Purple Frog / Humphead Wrasse / Vancouver Island Marmot / Indian Soft Shell Tortoise / Bolson Tortoise / Northern Sea Otter
Green Sea Turtle / Tri-colored Blackbird / Bocaccio Rock Fish / Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterfly / Red Wolf / Myrtle's Silverspot Butterfly / Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander / Sei Whale / Marbled Merlet / Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard / Giant Kangaroo Rat / Bog Turtle / Chinese Giant Salamander / Relict Leopard Frog / Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse / Bornean Orangutan / Red Panda